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EP. 154 Ten Pieces of Advice Every Young Woman Needs to Hear

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Welcome to a new week of the Hope Rescue Podcast. We are in a short series where Tim and Kimberly share some advice they wish they had heard when they were younger. Last week in episode 153, Tim discussed the advice he would give to his younger self or just young men in general, and this week Kimberly shares advice she wishes she had heard or just simply advice for young women today.

Now that Kimberly is in her fifty-fifth year of life, she has compiled a list of advice she would give to young women today.

You were created by design. You are loved and chosen, unique, perfect, and on purpose. Your life is an assignment, and God has placed you in this specific time to be able to accomplish exactly what He's purposed in your life. You are enough to accomplish what the Lord has called you to. He knows your strengths and weaknesses, and the way He has designed you is enough.

Don’t compare yourself to others. Recognize that everyone else is also struggling with some form of insecurity. You have a unique spot to fill that no one else can.

Lead yourself spiritually first. Before you step into leading others spiritually, make sure you are pursuing and prioritizing time with the Lord and time in scripture.

Pursue what you love to do because God has created you for it. If you love doing something, as long as it's not immoral of course, God has called you to it! You don't have to wonder if God has called you to pursue something you love because He wouldn't have given you that desire in the first place if He didn't intend for you to pursue it.

Speak up; your voice matters too.

If you have a dream, chase it. But in the same way, trust when God closes a door.

Find a few trusted friends. Real, authentic friendship requires an investment of time and attention.

Only you can make yourself and your family a priority. In the world today more than ever, we are being drawn and pulled in so many directions with our time and energy. Choose to put your family first. Don’t add more to your plate if you don’t have to. You are the only one who can steward your life and your time in a healthy manner.

Changing the world begins with loving well: loving yourself, loving your family, your neighbors, and your community. Don't get overwhelmed with underperforming. Stay present each day, and the opportunities to pour out love will come.

Tim closes by giving the ultimate and greatest advice they have to offer, which is to seek to glorify God with your life. Matthew 22:37-39 says, "And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

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