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Welcome to a new week of the Hope Rescue Podcast. This week we are discussing the topic of fear. Tim commonly says that fear is the matrix of all negative emotions. He believes that any negative emotion you can think of, whether it’s anger, loneliness, jealousy, sadness, etc., originates in fear. Tim explains that there are generally two types of fear: the fear of doing something (like public speaking) or the fear of things that can happen to you (like the fear of death.)
Kimberly shares that her greatest fear is losing someone close to her, like her spouse, her children, or her grandchildren. She explains that she has never experienced the death of anyone that close to her, except her father who recently passed away. Tim shares that his greatest fear is the fear of being disrespected, which he recognizes stems from his perfectionism.
Tim explains that fear is a human emotion that is triggered by perceived threats in our lives. Kimbnerly explains that there is a natural fear created by God in all of us, like the physiological reaction fight or flight. This is a healthy, natural fear that can actually save us from dangerous situations. On the other hand, the spirit of fear in regards to unreasonable fears, is not from the Lord. Kimberly explains that when she went to the top of the arch in St. Louis, she had to ride up to the top in a small compact elevator with strangers, and she felt claustrophobia take over her body. When she arrived at the top, all she could think about was getting back to the bottom. Second Timothy 1:7 says, "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." In times like what Kimberly experienced, we can learn to take control of our emotions by understanding the truth of scripture. This concept is covered repeatedly in Tim’s new book “BREATHE” as he talks about how to take control of negative emotions like anxiety and depression. If you’re interested in purchasing his book, click this link:
Tim explains that we store memories of fear in our hearts. One's will or intellect can only be damaged because of the heart. Our lack of ability to reason through non-threatening situations is because our hearts have been skewed, causing our emotions to be skewed. Words of life and words of death are stored as memories in our hearts, and this affects the way we emotionally react to non-threatening situations. The beauty is that God can bring restoration and healing to our hearts, and we don’t have to remain burdened by negative emotions. Join us next week as we continue the conversation on healing from the inside out.
“Words of life and words of death are stored as memories in our hearts, and this affects the way we emotionally react to non-threatening situations.” -Tim
“The beauty is that God can bring restoration and healing to our hearts, and we don’t have to remain burdened by negative emotions.” -Tim
2 Timothy 1:7 "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."
