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On today's episode of the Hope Rescue Podcast, Tim and Kimberly continue their series on “Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?” Kimberly starts by reiterating the three myths about pain that were discussed in last week’s podcast:
Myth #1: People are basically good and deserve to be free from pain.
Myth #2: God is responsible for pain.
Myth #3: God will only allow bad people to experience pain.
This week we will discuss three more myths that people tend to believe about why bad things happen to good people. Tim explains that often our prayers revolve around relief, but in reality, if God never allows us to suffer we won’t learn from our pain.
Myth #4: God cares more about your pain than your growth.
God does care about our pain, and often he will either relieve our pain or give us strength within the pain, but He is more interested in our growth than our pain. The idea that God always wants us to be happy and He wants to relieve every bit of pain we have actually goes against everything we see in scripture. Kimberly reads the scripture James 1:2-4 "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing." Kimberly says, “One of the sweetest moments God has as our father is when we are desperate for Him. It's finally then that we throw up our hands in surrender and say 'I have nothing that can fix this pain,' and He gets to step in as our hero and say 'I have been waiting. Let me show you how we're going to get through this.”
Myth #5: God won’t allow you to go through more than you can handle.
God does not deliver us pain and suffering, but He does allow us to walk through those things to recognize that we were not made to handle the pain on our own. Kimberly says, “Our shoulders are not big enough or broad enough to handle the pain that will come in our lifetime and through the experiences of living in a fallen world. Jesus is the one who carries us through.”
Myth #6: If you have faith you won’t experience pain.
There is a movement which is a myth that the more faith you have, the less pain you will have. Some believe that if God doesn't relieve your pain and suffering, then you must not have enough faith, but this is a lie. Suffering has been a part of the human condition since we fell in the Garden of Eden. Faith does not guarantee an easy or pain-free life but allows us to believe that God will carry us through whatever pain life gives us.
Kimberly finishes with three truths to rebuttal the myths discussed today:
#1 God will allow pain for the purpose of growth.
#2 God will allow pain to drive you to lean into Him.
#3 God sees our faith and prayer as drawing close to him, not a means for comfort.
Join us next week to wrap up our series on why bad things happen to good people! We love you guys!
“What's beautiful about joy is that it doesn't require you to be a positive or negative person; it's outside of your circumstances.” -Kimberly
“We should pray more for purpose than relief.” -Tim
“If your goal is to be happy, you're going to stay miserable. If you pursue peace, you will have the ability to abide in any circumstance.” -Tim
“One of the sweetest moments God has as our father is when we are desperate for Him. It's finally then that we throw up our hands in surrender and say 'I have nothing that can fix this pain,' and He gets to step in as our hero and say 'I have been waiting. Let me show you how we're going to get through this.'” -Kimberly
“Our shoulders are not big enough or broad enough to handle the pain that will come in our lifetime and through the experiences of living in a fallen world. Jesus is the one who carries us through.” -Kimberly
“God often takes us further than we can handle and brings us to a place where we have to rely upon Him.” -Tim
James 1:2-4: "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."
